Dodecitina 3, 999 PC

Post date: Jun 29, 2009 12:52:47 AM

Yay! I found the human city called Redemption, and they let me inside without stabbing my eyes out! But still, T'krosh was waiting for me at the gates. He's so mean to me; I just want to be left alone, and he still tracked me down with a few others to bring me to the Obulus. Well we showed them! - Oh yeah, we. There were 3 softs... humans there, and they helped me fight T'Krosh. Except the human Brezaya was felled by T'krosh's first blast. And Mr. Oliveryn ran away (rightly so, T'Krosh is scary). But the human Ozimius helped lots with his daggers. It all looked something like this:

That's me to the back left! I would have been able to sneak all the way into the city unnoticed if it wasn't for T'krosh...

Brezaya (before she got blasted) is the one with big breasts and a shield in the middle. Oliveryn is the human holding the lute. And T'krosh's band is camouflaged in the back right.

T'krosh ran away after the fight, and I have a feeling I'll see him again someday. I really don't want to hurt him - or any of my kin for that matter - but what else can I do when he wants to enslave me? I just hope Redemption will accept me into the tribe. But they still look funny at me when I speak in their language. I think Trader Sasthil doesn't know the Almebezbik language nearly as well as he thinks. I really wish I could have found another teacher...